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ISA Bangalore


 Student Section

We welcome you to ISA Bangalore section’s student section website. Here, you will discover a wealth of valuable resources and information to assist you in your pursuit of a career in automation and Data sciences.
Automation and Data sciences are multifaceted disciplines. They attract students and teaching faculty hailing from different academic backgrounds.

Yet, choosing an appropriate program that lays emphasis on specialization in any of the Automation or Data sciences streams for one’s career is challenging.

Remaining well-informed on researched materials in automation and Data sciences is the aspiration of any bright student. ISA Bangalore has established this platform primarily to complement such of those students’ efforts.

Information related to contemporary research in automation and Data sciences can be a reasonable substitute to expensive conferences or sifting through irrelevant literature.
At ISA Bangalore, we believe that knowledge is power. That is why we have compiled the Automation Body of Knowledge, a comprehensive guide that encompasses fundamentals of sensors and controls to cutting-edge subjects such as industrial networking, enterprise integration, cyber security, and safety information.

By studying this comprehensive guide, you will acquire the knowledge necessary to become a Certified Automation Professional.
Our website also features tutorials and test materials to help you prepare for this Certified Automation Professional (CAP) exam.

Networking is critical to progression in any career, and ISA Bangalore helps connect you with industry professionals and other students through conferences, events, webinars, and tech talks conducted by the section. These events may also provide job opportunities and internships.

By visiting our website regularly, you remain up-to-date on the most recent research, trends, and technologies in automation.

Whether you are a student commencing your journey in automation or an experienced professional seeking to expand your knowledge, ISA Bangalore has the resources you need to succeed. Join us today and become part of our thriving community of automation enthusiasts.
ISA Student Membership provides increased career opportunities. From the moment you join, ISA broadens your knowledge and exposure to the world of Automation.
Membership in ISA indicates to prospective employers that you are a step ahead of the crowd… activity involved in pursuing your professional future.

A student section is a group of student members formed in colleges, universities, institutions, and similarly organized training centers.

Each student section operates as an official ISA affiliate per the charter agreement that defines the relationship between the Society and the student section.


Student sections exist to support the mission and vision of the Society, governed by and subject to all policies and procedures set by ISA. 

Student sections are organized and operated for educational purposes to promote the following: 

  • an increased knowledge of the greater automation industry 
  • a greater understanding of the contributions of those in the automation industry 
  • mentoring and encouraging students as they prepare for careers in the automation industry 

Petition for Charter 

  • The faculty advisor and acting officers submit a petition for charter. 
  • The District Vice President (DVP) reviews and submits the petition to the Geographic Assembly. 
  • The Geographic Assembly reviews and approves the petition for official chartering. 

Eligibility for Petitioning 

  • At least 50% of the 14 student members and student officers who are not graduating within 12 months from the date of charter. 
  • Professional ISA member - faculty willing to advise the new student section. 
  • Student section operating bylaws in English (any special provisions or modifications to ISA’s recommended regulations requires prior approval) 
  • Confirmed support from an ISA section in good standing. 


  • Student section names are the full university/institution name. 
  • Acronyms may not be used. 
  • The Geographic Assembly has the authority to change or approve student section names. 

It is expected that student sections adhere to the following requirements:

  • Comply with ISA policies
  • Maintain at least 14 student members.
  • Have, at a minimum, a Faculty Advisor, President, and Treasurer in good standing and on record with ISA Headquarters
  • Hold a minimum of 3 Member Meetings each year;
    student section member participation in local section meetings or events qualifies as a member meeting for the student section.
  • Submit an Annual Report by the prescribed dates.
  • If one or more of the requirements are not met as of 1 October, a student section will be deemed not in good standing.
  • These student sections forfeit benefits, including but not limited to, rebates and consideration for Society awards.
  • Status of those not in good standing will be re-evaluated quarterly
  • Dis-establishment

    Student sections that are not in good standing with ISA policies and procedures may need to be disestablished. Occasionally, a student section may choose to disestablish. The Geographic Assembly reviews and approves the disestablishment and revocation of charter. The following outlines the procedures for both instances:

    For Not Being In Good Standing:

    After one year of not being in good standing, the student section is subject to disestablishment.

    By request:

    The faculty advisor and/or student officers submit a request to their sponsoring section and District Vice President 

    The District Vice President reviews with the sponsoring section and submits the request to the Geographic Assembly.

    Upon disestablishment, the student section will stop using all ISA intellectual property and will cease to indicate any affiliation with ISA. Any remaining funds will be transferred to ISA within 60 days, unless otherwise approved by the ISA Executive Board. Once the charter is revoked, a student section may not establish at the same university or institution location for a minimum of 12 months.

Operating Bylaws
  • Student sections should operate within the guidelines of their university/institution or in accordance with local laws.
  • Student sections are required to maintain operating bylaws in English and on file with ISA Headquarters.
  • Any special provisions or modifications to ISA’s recommended operating bylaws requires prior approval from ISA.
Each ISA student section is required to have the guidance and support of a faculty member at the university/institution.

This faculty member must be a member of ISA.

Student sections in good standing may request a complimentary membership for their faculty advisor.

The respective FA must send an email to ISA-HQ with a request. It will not be automatic.
  • Student sections are expected to be self-sufficient and are responsible for their own financial accounts.
  • Student Section officers and faculty advisors should not utilize personal accounts for student section transactions.
  • Operating Year
  • Student sections operate on their university/institution’s academic year.

As a component of the Society, ISA commits to the following support for student sections:

  • Collect dues from ISA members.
  • Share a portion of the dues paid by student members in the form of rebates with student sections.
  • Deliver tools and membership reports in compliance with data privacy laws and regulations.
  • Provide a student section logo to be used in accordance with ISA policy.
  • Offer best practices and guidance to aid in supporting members.
  • Each year, student sections must submit an annual report by 31 May.
  • Use the PDF sample report provided by ISA to draft responses.
  • Coordinate with the faculty advisor and other officers to enter your responses in the online student section annual report.
  • Only reports submitted through the online portal are accepted.
  • Student sections are expected to manage their own finances.
  • Student sections develop activities in response to university/institution needs.
  • Programs should be self-sufficient and budgeted to break even, rather than generating surplus funds.
  • Share budgets with your members for review, so they are aware of how funds will be used for the year.
  • After approval of an annual budget, the membership should be provided quarterly updates with actuals to budget.
  • Being transparent with your members also protects you as an officer as funds belong to your members.
  • Funds should be used for the overall benefit of the membership. As such, it is not appropriate to use student section funds to pay for an officer’s membership or travel to attend events for professional development outside of ISA leader training/meetings.

It is the Treasurer’s responsibility to manage the student section’s finances, which includes the following:

  • Receive and disburse student section funds as approved by the faculty advisor.
  • Provide annual financial information to include in the annual report.
  • Provide financial reports and make recommendations on the management of your student section’s finances.
  • Reconcile all accounts of the student section and prepare annual operating budget.
  • Budgets are financial plan to support the student section’s programs for the year.
  • The budget should be prepared as soon as possible after officers of section are in place.
  • Quantum of effort in developing a budget annually depends on student section activity. Even without significant expenses a plan must be in place for an annual budget.
  • Those preparing the budget should determine the student section’s priorities and discuss programs.
  • Include board members familiar with plans for the coming year, such as the faculty advisor, president, treasurer, program chair, and membership chair.
  • Estimates of income and expense should be as accurate as possible.
  • Check over the records of the past two or three years for items of income and expense to be sure all that are likely to come up in the next year are included in the budget.
  • Adopt a budget at an early meeting of the student section officer and/or by the membership.
  • You may revise it any time during the year by the same procedure should you have unexpected income or expenses.
  • The treasurer is responsible for seeing that the student section operates on a sound financial basis and that officers and chairs stay within their budgeted allotment.
  • Receipts should be requested for all expenditures of funds.

The treasurer must account for all funds, and in order to do so, must keep good records.

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